Monday, August 16, 2010



I am Leura, currently in my last year of Arts/Communications. I've done quite a few WOMN units throughout my degree and am very excited for this unit, as it is quite different than the others I have done. I am very interested in the relationship between people and technology and what we, as a culture define as technology.

I read through the other comments so far and found it very interesting how different people feel, particularly Cass. I too hate short hand typing, which is predominantly found on the internet, and enjoy face to face communication, but I think the ability to contact people in so many different ways now is very interesting, and there are always people (like myself) trying to keep the internet as comprehensible as possible.

In a linguistics unit last year someone brought that up, saying how it is not right to write like that, and interestingly our tutor disagreed, saying that linguistics studies the way we talk and if that was how we spoke/typed than that was correct. Although this is not a linguistics unit, I found it a very interesting and different way of thinking and have since been a little more forgiving.

I recently stumbled on an article titled 'Women's role in the urban space', and found it very interesting. If you don't have the time to read it, definitely scroll through the pictures, they are of great interest. All of the cited articles are of interest as well, if you have the chance to read through.



  1. Thank you for sharing that Leura, some of the pictures made me giggle :)

  2. interesting site leura - a class blog from the university of texas blogging their research similar to what we're doing I guess.
