Monday, August 30, 2010

Another, albeit late, introduction.

Hello fellow 11pm Wednesday tute participants.

My name is Sam and I thought it was time to type up my introductory post. My first experience of internet accessible in the home was through a friend. I saw the great potential that the internet had and went on a years long petition to gain the internet for my own household. After several years of coercing my parents a deal was struck, whereby I went out and bought a 56k modem (yes, back in the good old dial up days), set up the internet account with a local service provider, hooked everything up at home, and let my parents pay the monthly bills thereafter. I used chat rooms mostly at first, and browsed a few things here and there, but there were still a lot of people I knew that didn't use the net on a regular basis. ICQ however was hot and much fun was had looking up friends and finding new ones.

Since those formative years I've moved out of home, gained a computer or two of my own, and have high speed broad band. Which by the way, as most of you will know, is still a lot slower than many other countries in the world. I dropped out of the chat scene through boredom, perhaps because meeting any of these people in real life was a low possibility, and I wanted 'real friends'.

I find that my net usage waxes and wanes depending on how I'm feeling. I usually always check my e-mails on a daily basis, I love to go to the icanhascheezburger website for my fix of cats with captions as well as the cheezburger sites, which are usually photos of things with or without captions. This site is one of the sources of 'lolspeak'. Stumbleupon is an amazing random website generator that helps me flick through sites on the net that are of interest to me so if I'm bored I can hit a button and it randomly brings up a website for me to peruse. Otherwise as and when things perk my interest I go searching about and following the trail wherever it may lead. Has anyone else looked at a wikipedia article on one topic then hours later ended up on a Wiki article about something completely different? For example, started on the political history of Italy and then ended up with something about Particle Physics? They do say that the internet is a web, so I suppose everything is related somehow.

Of interest to the unit I recently came across the blog of a Canadian Filmmaker, Rob Spence, called Eyeborg. Basically in the one socket where Rob lost an eye due to a childhood accident he has inserted a camera that films everything he sees Terminator One style.

I look forward to learning more in this unit and interacting with everyone in the tute to discuss these issues and ideas. I've not blogged before so I'm also looking forward to doing my posts and reading what everyone else has to say, possibly even commenting! I will leave it there for now and post again at a later date.


1 comment:

  1. This is a good one! Thank you so much for sharing this. I really appreciate what you have done here.
