Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hey everyone,

My name is Jasmine and I'm doing an Arts Degree, majoring in Anthropology. I've done a few women's studies courses over the past couple of years so I chose this unit because it looked interesting. I'm really intrigued by way in which technology (especially the Internet, mobile phones etc.) has become such a huge part of our lives. Part of the reason I have decided to undertake this unit is because I hope to gain some insight into how and why we have become so dependent on technology and how it is changing how we view ourselves and the ways we interact with friends, family and strangers. I recently went to Malaysia with a friend who has a strong attachment to her Blackberry and found it quite amusing that despite being surrounded by so many new experiences she couldn't help but constantly text and update her facebook page!

For me, the Internet is a place where I like to spend my downtime. I have never written a blog myself but there are few that I like to read up on, I also watch television shows that don't air in Australia and of course catch up with friends on facebook. When I'm tired of reading up on academic articles I like to have a good laugh on Lamebook, this website really proves that anything you write on the Internet can be seen (and laughed at) by millions of other people. I also like to check out fashion blogs like that of Monica Rose when I'm procrastinating.

Anyways I will see you all in the tutorial tomorrow :)

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