Saturday, October 16, 2010

wk 12: reflecting on our own little blogosphere

I had actually never been part of a blog before this unit, I'd never even really read blogs so I suppose you could say having to do a blog has been quite educational for me. Generally I liked having a blog as part of the unit, although I find contributing on the blog much more worrying than contributing in our tutes - I'm much more paranoid about saying something ridiculous on the blog, where it will be recorded for everyone to see, than saying that same ridiculous something in a tute. I suppose this is the whole idea of being visible on the internet - we really do become our own self regulating system (for anyone who's doing comm, I love those panopticon lectures! rampant paranoia is just such fun to witness).

I think doing the blog is a great opportunity for those who don't always get to say things in tutes to go crazy, the internet really should be used in education for people to gain confidence in their opinions and just to stretch the way they think in general. Basically I think the internet is a great space for creative thinking. At least before it becomes the horrible filtered place that Stephen Conroy wants it to be.

I've really enjoyed all the passionate tute discussion we've been having all year, also the readings are great - it's so nice to have clear, interesting and most importantly not over 30 pages long readings.

Do I regard myself as a cyborg now? I'm not sure that I do, I've found contributing to a blog really interesting but I think being a cyborg requires a greater connection.

Oh and I've been listening to these three great songs while writing this so felt like sharing the musical joy (how is it that this word is suddenly appearing in speech all the time?) But here we go: Will Stoker and the Embers - see the King; Seams - We are not your neighbours; and Sneaky Weasel Gang - Visionary.

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