Sunday, October 10, 2010

Online Communities as Countries

Hey Guys

This picture looks at the idea of online communities as simply being another form of country. It is an interesting thing to consider when the membership of Facebook is larger than some "real life" countries.

Just something to think about,



  1. hehehe...

    Couldn't find a link but the GDP generated by World of Warcraft is larger than several eastern European nations, as well as other nations around the world....

  2. That is fantastic- where did you find it Luke?
    I wonder what is next... Myspace became lame so quickly and facebook today has changed so much from when it was limited to Harvard students. It's hard to imagine a world without online communities even though they're young.

  3. Funny you say that Chris because in 2006 the GDP of Second life was larger than over 25 countries if I remember right, and I'm sure that WoW and Second Life now would be larger again.

    Polixeni1990 it's funny you mention MySpace. is a link to the original map, which was made in 2007. It's quiet funny, because at that time, MySpace was the largest "country" yet Facebook was quiet small :P

