Thursday, October 21, 2010

Last Words

I really enjoyed this unit, as I have enjoyed all other Women's Studies units. I particularly enjoyed the contemporary feel this unit had - we constantly related all topics and discussions to current, contemporary and relatable issues/ideas. The unit really made me reconsider how we, as humans, interact and have come to rely on technology in this digital age.

Some fo the issues that we have discussed I had not even considered, for example being raped on the internet or the introduction of racial discrimination to the internet, until we discussed them within this unit.

I really enjoyes that the lectures and workshops (particularly) followed the same idea as the tutes and gave "real" examples of "real life" issues. This unit overall has been an incredible eye-opener.

I find that I now think about my use of technology more, and feel almost powerless at how much of life revolves around it - I feel as though there are no alternatives anymore than to be saturated by technological devices.

Do I think I am a cyborg? When I looked at this question at the beginning of the semester, I had already thought in my head that I would be answering "No". However, throughout the unit my ideas surrounding the term "cyborg" have changed, and I can't help that think we are all increaisngly becoming cyborgs. We find it more and more difficult to distinguish ourselves from our technologies, and can't imagine living life without them. I had never thought of technology as an extention of myself, but this unit has made me relaise just how much I'm becoming a cyborg.

In terms of blogging for the unit, I had never blogged before EVER, so it was intersting to be trying something new at uni. I quite enjoyed the idea that you could plan and structure any arguments you wanted to make, and had as muhc time as you pleased to think of what to say - no moments were passed by with someone else making anew point - I could sayexactly what I wanted to.

It does however, as I see other people have mentioned, become a time consuming process to continually check and update the blogs. Not time-consuming enough though to be a negative impact on any other work I have been doing.

I also really liked that using the blog meant we could all post links to things that were relevant. Since the internet is such a huge resource, it was good to make use of it.

I would definately recommend this unit to others interested in a contemporary and digitally enhanced look at women's studies.


Caitlin Ede

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