Thursday, October 21, 2010

Week 12 Reflection!!

Firstly I would like to say that I have really enjoyed this unit. Not only have I found the readings and the topics of discussion very interesting and intellectually stimulating, but I have also enjoyed blogging! This unit has provided us with a forum in which we can write our extended thoughts about a particular topic, and has encouraged us to post blogs about things that we find interesting and would like to share with others.

I never really knew why people blogged and expressed their every thought. However, after actually blogging myself, I have realised that one can become quite involved in the blogging process, where after reading what other people have to say, I am encouraged to post my own opinions.

Blogs are definitely effective as a learning tool. People like myself, who don't talk as much as they should in tutorials, have the opportunity to express themselves in this forum. I often have many ideas in tutorials, however as discussions become heated and people change topics, I am often unable to convey my thoughts about each idea expressed.

Blogs have also been very effective in teaching me firstly how to use blogs and hyperlink etc. But also the required blogging (as set out in the unit outline) has forced me to post and respond to comments, where I have become more interested in the topics of discussion and the blogging process in general.

Do I regard myself as a cyborg?
I do not regard myself as a cyborg, because I don't consider myself to be a hybrid of machine and organism. Although I am constantly using technology, such as my phone and computer, I do not think that these technological items are an extension of myself. I think that as technology continues to become more advanced, we will become more obsessed with it and eventually we will all become cyborgs. However, I am not at that stage yet! Maybe students who are undertaking this unit in 20 years time will all say that they are cyborgs!

Good luck with all your studying and exams! The holidays are not far now!


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