Saturday, September 18, 2010


hi guys sorry this is a bit late, been sick then totally forgot...I hardly ever use the Internet and so handing something in written/writing something is normally as far as I go. Well there is still plenty of time before our next assignment so hopefully some of these may be interesting as they were for me.

My articles focus on the concept of relationship building through the Internet. I decided to look at the opposite opinion of my own for the fun of it and found some interesting articles that explore the positive aspect of social networking via the Internet for self confidence and relationships that extend into the real world. I also added two articles that show a negative opinion of the Internet and cyberspace, and one especially because i loved the concept of the article (all about cyber affairs breaking apart years of marriage!)


1: Tranny Boyz: Cyber Community Support in Negotiating Sex and Gender Mobility Among Female to Male Transsexuals

In the article Gauthier and Chaudoir focus on the positive impacts of the Internet and its development of social networking sites for female to male transsexuals (FTMs.) The article researches the use of the internet for social networking by this minority group, and the impact it has had on FTM’s normally difficult ability to feel a sense of belonging. The article looks at the Internet’s ability to provide security, professional advice, aid for legal rights and friendships. Society in the real world may be rejecting of FTMs, however through the realm of the Internet their gender becomes blurred in a way that acceptance becomes more plausible. The article discusses the concept of what gender is; the physical appearance of the body and how one promotes their body. Although FTMs normally face problems with the physical side of gender acceptance, via the Internet this is no longer the case. The Internet provides a physical barrier which opens up new doors for FTMs. The article specifically focuses on the idea that the Internet is allowing the feeling of acceptance to those (not just FTMs) that would rarely experience it in the real world. The article uses conversations between FTMs from Internet chat sites to reinforce the hardships of being socially unaccepted because of socially developed rules. It focuses purely with a positive outlook on the Internet by using this less prominent gender figure. Use this link to download the pdf version of the article for free.

2:Pan-national Identities: Representations of the Philippine Diaspora on the World Wide Web

Tyner and Kuhlke look at the Internet’s ability to maintain the feeling of belonging for migrants. The article focuses on the Philippine migrants who have been able to maintain their ties with their culture backgrounds through the use of the Internet and social networking sites. The Internet has allowed the fracturing of once forced assimilation of migrants. The research focuses on the Philippine migrants due to their vast migration history in both developed and developing countries, with their migration to over 160 different countries. The article researched the effect of Internet interactions on real world spatial interactions. The networking programs differentiate between different migrant groups providing historical background, occupations and social support for migrants who face challenges in their new environments. download the article for free using this link without having to register or pay.

3:Causes and Consequences of Social Interaction on the Internet: A Conceptual Framework

This article focuses more broadly on why it is that the Internet and its use as a social networking site is growing so fast in popularity. Mckenna and Bargh look at who uses the Internet in this manner, as well as why people may use the Internet for social interaction. It looks at the future of the Internet; it may not be a necessity like other technologies such as the telephone and car, but it is slowly becoming that way, especially in our personal lives. The article researched the self related and socially related influences that would encourage people to use the Internet to find relationships. Self related issues discussed include; stigmatised identities and constrained identities. Social motivators discussed include social anxiety, loneliness and the practical motivator of lifestyle constraints. The article also focuses on the power of these relationships and how the informality and security of the less physical approach can lead to more meaningful and emotional relationships. Research in the article discussed the influences that time spent interacting on the Internet has on real world interactions and the onset of depression, with results varying greatly to the typical assumptions made about the Internet. Use the above link to download the article.

4:Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy: Cyber Sex

This article by Atwood & Schwartz pinpoints a negative aspect of the Internet as it focuses on the ever growing popularity of emotionally explicit and sexual relationships that develop via social networking via the Internet between people already involved in real world relationships or marriage. Couple therapists discuss how common the problems with Internet based infidelity are becoming in modern societies. Cyber affairs are just as emotionally damaging and destructive as the common affair. The underlying problem is that the Internet affairs are becoming more accessible and easier to remain in secrecy than the typical affair. The article discusses the main causes for those who outreach to the net for sexual and emotional pleasures. It discusses both personal reasons as well as relationship based reasons. It discusses the allure of anonymity, differentiation of the self and Internet addiction as causes for the onset of Internet relationships. Furthermore it looks to the concept of the ‘mid life crisis’ and intimacy issues as leading influences in this behaviour. The concept of ‘cyber flirting’ is introduced with its innocent packaging uncovered for its dominant role in the onset of infidelity. We also look at why an Internet relationship is so intriguing? Concepts of the alluring ‘fantasy’ over the mundane ‘reality’ are discussed in relation to the increasing popularity in Internet affairs. Download this interesting article using the link.

5:Minding the Cyber Gap: The Internet and Social Inequality

In the article Chen and Wellman observe at the connections that the Internet usage patterns have with pre-existing inequalities relating to socioeconomic location, age, gender and ethnicity, focusing on what is named the ‘double digital divide’; geographical location and socio-economics. The article does not just focus on the general use of the Internet, but the founding reason for the Internet relating to using it for a meaningful purpose. The article also takes into consideration the difference between having access to the Internet compared to having the education to properly use the Internet. The article focuses on the irony that the advantages of the Internet for the disadvantaged are hindered because of the status of the disadvantaged. It looks at how the Internet, although not as easy to see in modern societies, in less developed countries is a source for the upper class and is only increasing the material gap between the rich and the poor. It focuses on the comparison between the USA, Britain and Africa. Patriarchal gender norms also enforce social gaps through the use of the Internet in relation to women’s rights and roles in underdeveloped countries. The article then asks, and looks for the answers, for the important questions about the role the net is playing in the future increase or decrease of social inequalities. Read more with the above link!


Atwood, J. D., Schwartz, L., (2002) ‘Cyber Sex: The New Affair Treatment Considerations’, Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy. Vol 1: 3. Pp 37-56. Available (01/09/2010): http

Gauthier, D. K., Chaudoir. N.K., (2004) ‘Tranny Boyz: Cyber Community Support in Negotiating Sex and Gender Mobility Among Female to Male Transsexuals’ An Interdisciplinary Journal: Deviant Behavior. Vol 25: 4. Pp 375-398. Available (01/09/2010):

Tyner, A. J ., Kuhlke, O., (2000) ‘Pan-National Identities: Representations of the Philippine Diaspora on the World Wide Web’ Asia Pacific Viewpoint. Vol 41: 3. Pp 231-252. Available (01/09/2010):

Mckenna, K. Y. A., Bargh, J. A., (1999) ‘Causes and Consequences of Social Interaction on the Internet: A Conceptual Framework’ Media Psychology. Vol 1: 3. Pp 249- 269. Available (01/09/2010):

Chen, W., Wellman, B., (2007) ‘Minding the Cyber- Gap: The Internet and Social Inequality’ Blackwell Companion to Social inequalities. Vol : . Pp 523-545. Available (01/09/2010):

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