Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week 12 Reflective Post

I am particularly involved in every tutorial I participate in at Uni, so this may not go for everyone but due to this I found the blog of little use to my learning for Discussion was at times good on the blog, but I found it more pertinent, engaging and interesting in the tutorials. It also seemed like that there was too much information on the blog to engage with, as there were over 140 posts. That said however, I did find the blog really useful for following people's links and engaging with material outside of the unit readings and which I'd never seen before. This was definitely very interesting for me, even if I thought that discussion was more stimulating in tutorials.

Am a cyborg:
Undoubtedly yes and I have no insecurities or worries about saying so. I use Facebook, and a mobile phone to socialise. I entertain myself through electronic media and the internet. I use many pieces of technology to improve my quality of life and to help me live it. I think it is impossible to not be integrated into technology in Western society. We are as I see it, all cyborgs whether your consider yourself one or not.

I found many aspects of the unit really stimulating and the content was really good. I did however find that sometimes lectures were a bit lack-lustre, being almost lists of theorists and what they said, without any real analysis. Also I felt that workshops were underwhelming, and would have been better as more of a general discussion on the lecture topic. Tutorials were however really good, and the tutorial reading was particularity engaging.

Anyway, good luck with assignments and exams everyone. :)

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