Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 12 Reflective Post

I think that blogs may be a useful tool for learning, in that people unfamiliar with blogging and internet culture can immerse themselves in it and gain a better understanding. However, I feel like having such "required posts" does not help to generate discussion online. If I was interested in discussing one of the questions posed in a tute presentation post, I would rather wait until the tute to do so. In a tutorial environment it is much easier to bounce ideas off one another and, thus, further your own understanding. Also, studies have shown (and I have experienced) that when people read online, they skim read and don't engage fully with the writing. I think this detracts from using blogging as a learning tool because I like to engage in discussion.

Am I a cyborg?
I suppose if I use the definitions provided and studied in this unit, then yes, I am a cyborg. I can understand how "cyborg" can be a useful term for describing phenomenon occurring in the digital age. Having said that, I feel like "cyborgs" are more of a conceptual fiction. They aren't the crux of who we are, simply a convenient designator that allows for elaboration of ideas. Put that way, I do not regard myself as a cyborg. I guess it's convoluted to say that I both am and am not a cyborg, but I think it depends how the idea itself is approached.

I really like the content in this unit. The approach was interesting and I feel like it has made a significant impact on my world view. One thing I didn't like about was the workshops. I feel like there were too many people to facilitate effective discussion of ideas when it came to share. Rather than these, I would have liked to do the workshop exercises as tute prep. Also, the tutorial presentations were good, but more guidance would have been better.

It was lovely to meet you all :) Wishing you the best of luck with your assignments and exams!

Becky ♥

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