Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Fun of Anonymity

(I posted this in the wrong spot agesss ago! I'm so terrible at this blogging thing!)
Hi! My name is Caitlin (I see there is already another Caitlin), and I am an arts student, majoring in Psychology. I am in my final semester of my arts degree, and hope to go onto honours within Psychology.

I have never blogged before, but I like the idea that you have the freedom to express whatever you like, without anyone knowing who you are!

Following on from that idea, I present you with my favourite website; www.postsecret.com

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard - it's arty/creative and you get to read peoples secrets! They upload new posts every Sunday - and delete the old ones, so you have to read them each week or you miss out! It can become really addictive :)

Caitlin (Ede)

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