Friday, August 13, 2010

Splice - now that sounds attractive

Hey Luke and Alison and everyone who has yet to comment

I read that article about posthumanism you posted Luke, I did find it really interesting. It made me think of this movie that I read a review of the other day. I don't know if anyone's heard of it, it's called Splice? Anyway I'd been thinking of it when I was preparing for my Frankenstein reading as it seemed to have similiar themes. Splice (from what I've read) is about these two genetic engineers who create a new species from human and animal DNA. The result is a female creature called Dren.

Its a horror, science-fiction film and I found just reading the wikipedia synopsis and watching the trailer quite disturbing. Now I don't want to ruin the plot for anyone who wants to see it, so will just link it, but it did make me wonder why I found it so unsettling. Apart from the fact that its a horror movie and that's how you are supposed to feel, I think its also that there's something fearful about technology progressing to the degree that we can create 'human' life. Not only because of the 'exceptional status' that humanity tends to afford itself but also because of the inherent unpredictability of human nature. Its a scary idea to think of this trait in an entirely new species.

Oh and my favourite website is apple trailers (I'm a movie fanatic) so here's the trailer for it as well.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah I have actually been following that film because it has gotten a lot of press lately, haven't seen it yet however. What find interesting in that film is what sort of obligation do creators have to their creations, is it ok for humans to create life or give a robot emotions only to then treat it like a lower form of life. Where does the creators obligation to the well being of their creation come into the picture.

